Monday, June 23, 2014

Results from Planet 2014

Iowa State's team placed 27th out of 65 teams, which is a 9 place improvement from last year..  Additionally, Cody Rufer placed 40th individually and Khyle Cox placed 55th out of the 743 participants.  Highlights from individual events are: Khyle Cox placed 4th out of 46 in tractor loader backhoe operation; Khyle Cox and Cody Rufer placed 6th out of 52 in truck & trailer operation; Erin Bohlin, Taylor Goetzinger, and Nathan Robinson placed 11th out of 60 for landscape plant installation; Christina Riessen placed 12th out of 96 in annual & perennial identification; and Cody Rufer placed 13th out of 76 in construction cost estimating. 
Anna Snyder, Claire Anderson, and Erin Bohlin with the check from John Deere for best college cheer

Best School Cheer

Iowa State University won the best school cheer at the 38th annual Planet Competition at Fort Collins, Colorado.

Members are from row: Erin Bohlin and Anna Snyder. Middle Row: Lindsay Meylor, Nathan Robinson, Taylor Goetzinger, Claire Anderson, Derick Perkins, Khyle Cox and Cody Rufer. Back row: Dr. Iles, Brandon Miller, Christina Riessen, Lucas Roberts,  and Ricardo Leanos.